Game called Bandý
I joined Reknistofunn Háskola íslands in late october 2005. Guys had just stared playing so called new game "Bandý". After a week Valberg from software department asked me if I would be interested in playing this game. Because I put much interest on outdoor and indoor games, my replied to him was “YES” instantly. I did not know this game at all. Valberg briefed that they also started recently and explained bits and pieces about the rules. So I imagined this would be pretty much playing Hockey. I agreed with valberg that I will turn up next week session to give a try. Week later we all went to the Gym hall to kick off. I picked up one the "bat" thinking just how I’m going to play this. Valberg seemed team captain and he divide the team in two. Soon I found out that hitting the ball, passing to your friend and make a score (that was the main theme of the game) was the idea of this game in allocated time. I used some technique of my cricket skill - did help a bit of. However did not do well in the game anyway. All guys were telling me - oh! You did well, you are good etc. But deep in my heart I knew I did not play bandý at all, simply I was running all around. They were just making such statement to encourage me playing and continuing to play this game in regular basis.I stared to exploring about the game. In fact we were playing Floorball. This game comes from Northern Europe and popular in those nations. However, other nations have also started to play. Details on floor ball can be found on this link
Since first attempt, I started acquiring some technique from others and making score too. I did not score as much valberg and siggi did but managed to do couple of them. Although I am reasonably okay player however I am more player than scorer. Now this game has fascinated me and do play in regular basis. I also bought professional stick which helps me for accurate pass and score.Here is the picture I was trying to score against valberg and Pálli. It is always good trying something new and enjoys playing it. Thanks for Valberg and friends putting on this game. Back in Nepal we do not play such game but it might be interesting to introduce them.