Saturday, May 31, 2008


Eurovision song contest is very famous once a year in Europe, especially Eastern Europe and Nordic countries. Although England competes every year but this show has never been popular in UK. While I lived in London for seven years I did not hear about the programme until I moved to Iceland. Perhaps English premiership has dominated and sidelined this programme. This year Russia managed to grab the first place with comfortable vote from across the Europe. I am not a great music fan but there were other songs deserve to win - I guess.

Eurovision is something special event in Iceland too. People prepare to watch this program ahead and organize parties with friends & family. Roads are empty – off course whole nation eager to see their country performing and desperate to vote others. You can see hardly any transport on the road - "clean environment". Some cyclist quoted “Best day for cycling”. Sadly Iceland did not manage to come in top ten -perhaps next year and good luck to them.