Technical Engineers won the HK - Ísland Bandý Cup 2013
Inga, Finnur, Ragnar, Anil, Siggi, Ari |
Programming, network & system administrating, High Performance computing and technical support are daily jobs for guys from the university of Iceland, computing services. These Guys plays a key role in heart of IT and
HPC center in Iceland's academic institution. However, they often gather after work or even during lunch time to get out from chair and do some exercise. This has helped in social activity too. Interestingly they have also acquired extensive skills on how to play bandý.
Inga, Finnur, Ragnar, Anil, Siggi |
Although they have been playing bandý for a quite sometime however, the nerds never had a chance to compete with other professionals. Until last year when they played against good team from Iceland, they realized there are lack of skills within the team - obvious for technical nerds :), soon after some tips for those we played against, we were invited to play a tournament yesterday.
Anil received his top scorer award |
I was very pleased the performance of the IT center's guys. They have not only played well but
demonstrated professionalism in bandý and beat all the team. Some of the excellent skill were shown by individuals. The crowd just loved it; out of seven game we won six and lost one. Also, I scored the highest goal and awarded a golden ball :)
I am sure if we play regularly with the best team and compete in several tournaments, we can play with any international team - at least I think we can do it.