I found this machine at my work´s library room. Was playing with this small computer, I actually liked it. Introduced in 1984, weight 3.8Lbs, CPU 80c85, 2.4 MHZ with 32K, 64 Max, bar code reader, 300 Baud Modem and 40X8 Character display. OS Microsoft Basic v1.1 in ROM. It works perfectly fine and perhaps it was the great device at the time. Imagine today with 2 GB RAM, 200 GB storage, 2.5 GHz with L2 cache with extensive audio video, how fast things can be done - shall I say this is technology revolution ? Yes it is. Application require more memory, cpu speed and storage so normal configuration like this is beyond the scope today. Faster faster - don´t know how fast it will be in next 5 to 10 years time. old stuff can be found here .