I have been exploring all the possibilities to do some kind of degree program that will help in my further studies particularly in research. Choices in Iceland are very limited and sometimes barrier to take such programme due to language skills. Recently I visited my old university in London and meet all my lectures, professors and co-workers. It is always nice to meet them. As I spoke to one of my professor about my interest in research. Interestingly LSBU is starting a new degree programme from this summer which fulfill my desire and help in my other circumstances for example travel etc. Entry requirements is Master degree and several years experience in the area you will be doing research. Professor confirmed for the entry this summer and am very excited to start. This will be collaboration between my work and LSBU. Beginning of May I will be writing research proposal and begin my field of interest. If everything goes well end of the programme I will be awarded Msc in Research. This will off course open door for me if I ever wants to do PhD.